The Golden Swan is collection of poems from my teenage years launched in autumn 2020. Its title refers to the legend of a small box of matches that I bought in an antique shop in San Telmo, Buenos Aires. Amulets and substances of the age were kept in that case. The subtitle; introspections of adolescent autumns, is due to the fact that, although in different years, all the poems were written in autumn.
Poems deal with themes of friendship, death, falling in love, night, distance. It is a soft, dark and idiosyncratic piece that surfs into naivety, beauty and nostalgia.
All the poems are in Spanish and English. Sections and covers are introduced with Sofia Alazraki’s photographs of crystal glasses with human stems. Like the box, they exalt the condition of the object as ritual and function as portal and passage to other perspectives.
By opening Golden Swans, we return to innocence, corruption and the sensibilities of the first times.
The Golden Swan tour had presentations in Berlin, London and Madrid. it is available at Falena libros, Buenos Aires and in She said books, Berlin.